Welcome to our website

The Bayard Dental Clinic is located in Lyon-Villeurbanne, two hours from Paris, 90 minutes from Geneva and 40 minutes from Lyon-Saint Exupéry airport. It was founded in July 2010 in conjunction with the Bayard-Tonkin Medical Centre, which houses more than 60 doctors from the the Medipole Lyon Villeurbanne.

We specialise in oral surgery (dental implants, bone grafts, extraction of impacted teeth), as well as in treatments for receding gums (parodontology), general dental care and prostheses.

The quality management measures we have implemented since 2006 have enabled us to obtain ISO 9001 and AFAQ (Dental Services) certification.

Our mission is to provide top-quality dental care and ensure patient satisfaction.

Our dental surgeons, Doctors SASSOLAS, BUTIN and MOCHREF, all their team are here to help you.


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